Products: Liquid States

  1. Some digital products are best designed with a liquid form, allowing them to flow around the nuances of each individual user - their knowledge, taste, culture, language, motivations & goals.

  2. Alternatively, maybe only individual features of a digital product are best designed with a liquid form.

  3. How can we design products that can be manipulated like water, by the user? That have the flexibility and materiality of water? From rain, to river, to hurricane to lake to pond to droplet.

  4. I suppose the hypothesis-driven design culture of never ending experimentation that hails from California is the most relevant framework we have right now.

  5. Is this even a good metaphor?


Now read this Channel Abstracts

I wanted to write a quick post to share more context around some of my channels on Assorted Design References ADR began as a collection of digital design references to help with my product design education, and then quickly... Continue →