The Inverted Lens

A simple device. Whenever you are:

  1. Solving a problem.
  2. Asking a question.
  3. Answering a question
  4. Brainstorming
  5. Communicating
  6. Doing almost anything.

Take time to invert your point of view to see the object of your attention from an opposing angle.

Some objects have a single opposing angle, like looking at an email from the customer’s point of view instead of your own. Others will have many, like mapping out a product feature or determining where your product strategy is failing.


  1. March 14th 2017 - A further discussion/exploration of inversion thanks to Albert Wenger -

Now read this

Experiments in execution

We often confuse ourselves in the space between the idea and its execution. 1. The execution is the sum of your activities to give your idea form. You may need to experiment with many different forms until you find one that sticks. 2.... Continue →