Individuality at the Intersection of our Interactions

In Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, Rovelli cites the “odd” behavior of quantum matter - to exist simultaneously in all possible states until observed or interacted with - and questions whether all reality is interaction.

Born as blank canvases, it’s easy to observe how we take shape through our interactions with others.

The individual can only exist through their interactions with others.

Our individuality is unique only at the intersections of those interactions.

How do individualistic cultures reconcile the value of “The Individual” as greater than the group which nurtures it, sustains it and maintains its form?


Now read this

Notes & Observations on Online Communities

This is a distillation of my experience in community building for Domino, a startup I co-founded that operated for nearly three years. It was a referral-driven job marketplace that let freelancers find work through their friends. As... Continue →