The problem of good and bad in a probabilistic universe

There’s a sphere in your home that gives you a bird’s eye view of another universe. Anything is possible in this universe. No matter how small the probability. There is no divine hand, there are only the numbers, and they’re attached to every object and every action: clear and visible.

Some planets naturally have a high probability of sustaining life. On one of these planets, a sentient population perceives the probability of any possible action or interaction so acutely that it becomes instinctual. Like a sixth sense. As they live their lives, they develop arbitrary goals and instinctually navigate their way to them, sensing which actions and experiences will best guide them to their dreams.

There is no “good” or “bad” in their vocabulary, only percentages - either high or low - that indicate the potential outcome of an immediate action. In choosing their actions they aim to get one step closer to their goal, but in acting, they know there is a chance it may temporarily take them further away. As they navigate these paths they understand these nuances, bumps, and curves and recognize them as the unique signature of their particular journey.

There’s no good or bad here. Only percentages and probabilities.


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Design the Beginning, not the End

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