Form through Contrast

In “Getting Real”, Jason Fried encourages the reader to “pick a fight” because sometimes the best way to know what your app should be is to know what it shouldn’t be.

It touches on a broader point: all form is defined through contrast. Try not to look at yourself, or your endeavors as being the sum of a set of constituent parts. Instead, see them as the difference - or the remainder - after you subtract them from the whole.

To understand what something is, ask “what is it in opposition to?”.

This contrast - this opposition - gives your endeavors not just form, but energy, a name, and a purpose.


Now read this

Ambient Interventions for 2018

I’ve been on the lookout for digital products that embody the principles I’ve begun outlining in my Ambient Product Design research. Essentially: products with a tiny footprint that empower us, promote calm and protect our humanity. One... Continue →